Dash Wonline REST API

💻 Available commands & examples of REST API for Dash Wonline


Items - Request items information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/items/items/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Item Object

item information.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
	  "itemid": "1",
       "rate": "100.00",
       "taxrate": "5.00",
       "taxid": "1",
       "taxname": "PAYPAL",
       "taxrate_2": "9.00",
       "taxid_2": "2",
       "taxname_2": "CGST",
       "description": "JBL Soundbar",
       "long_description": "The JBL Cinema SB110 is a hassle-free soundbar",
       "group_id": "0",
       "group_name": null,
       "unit": ""
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Items - Search invoice item information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/items/search/:keysearch


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token


Campo Tipo Descripción
keysearch String

Search Keywords

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Item Object

Item Information

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status

message String

No data were found

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "rate": "100.00",
  "id": "1",
  "name": "(100.00) JBL Soundbar",
  "subtext": "The JBL Cinema SB110 is a hassle-free soundbar..."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"


Subscriptions - Add new Subscription

POST dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/subscriptions/

Error 4xx

Nombre Descripción
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     "status": true,
     "message": "Data Added Successfully"
   HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    "status": false,
    "error": "Data not Added"    

Subscriptions - Delete a Subscription

DELETE dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/subscriptions/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
id id

ID for data Deletion.

Error 4xx

Nombre Descripción
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     "status": true,
     "message": "Delete Successful."
   HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    "status": false,
    "message": "Delete Fail."

Subscriptions - Request Subscription Information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/subscriptions/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
id id

Data id ID.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Data Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Descripción

The id of the data was not found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     'name' => varchar 'New  subscription'
     'description' => text 'This is a detailed description of subscription'
     'description_in_item' => tinyint '1'
     'clientid' => int '123'
     'date' => date '2024-01-31'
     'terms' => text 'subscription payment is due'
     'currency ' => int '4'
     'tax_id ' => int '456'
     'stripe_tax_id_2' => varchar 'tax-789' 
     'stripe_plan_id' => text 'subscription_ABC'
     'tax_id_2': int '12',
     'stripe_subscription_id' => text 'sub_123456789'
     'next_billing_cycle' => bigint '1643808000'
     'ends_at' => bigint '1646486400'
     'status' => varchar 'active'
     'quantity' => int '5'
     'project_id' => int '789'
     'hash' => varchar 'a1b2c3' 
     'created' => datetime '2024-01-31 12:34:56'
     'created_from' => int '1' 
     'date_subscribed' => datetime '2024-01-31 10:00:00'
     'in_test_environment' => int '1' 
     'last_sent_at' => datetime '2024-01-31 14:45:00'
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    "status": false,
    "message": "No data were found"

Subscriptions - Request all Subscriptions

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/subscriptions/

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Data Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Descripción

The id of the data was not found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     'name' => varchar 'New  subscription'
     'description' => text 'This is a detailed description of subscription'
     'description_in_item' => tinyint '1'
     'clientid' => int '123'
     'date' => date '2024-01-31'
     'terms' => text 'subscription payment is due'
     'currency ' => int '4'
     'tax_id ' => int '456'
     'stripe_tax_id_2' => varchar 'tax-789' 
     'stripe_plan_id' => text 'subscription_ABC'
     'tax_id_2': int '12',
     'stripe_subscription_id' => text 'sub_123456789'
     'next_billing_cycle' => bigint '1643808000'
     'ends_at' => bigint '1646486400'
     'status' => varchar 'active'
     'quantity' => int '5'
     'project_id' => int '789'
     'hash' => varchar 'a1b2c3' 
     'created' => datetime '2024-01-31 12:34:56'
     'created_from' => int '1' 
     'date_subscribed' => datetime '2024-01-31 10:00:00'
     'in_test_environment' => int '1' 
     'last_sent_at' => datetime '2024-01-31 14:45:00'
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    "status": false,
    "message": "No data were found"

Subscriptions - Update a Subscription

PUT dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/subscriptions/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
id id

ID for update data.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Data Update Successful."
    HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
      "status": false,
      "message": "Data Not Acceptable OR Not Provided"

   "status": false,
   "message": "Data Update Fail."


Timesheets - Add New Timesheet

POST dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/timesheets/

Error 4xx

Nombre Descripción
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     "status": true,
     "message": "Data Added Successfully"
   HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    "status": false,
    "error": "Data not Added"    

Timesheets - Delete a Timesheet

DELETE dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/timesheets/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
id id

ID for data Deletion.

Error 4xx

Nombre Descripción
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     "status": true,
     "message": "Delete Successful."
   HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    "status": false,
    "message": "Delete Fail."

Timesheets - Request Timesheet Information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/timesheets/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
id id

Data id ID.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Data Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Descripción

The id of the data was not found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        "task_id": "2",
        "start_time": "10:00:00",
        "end_time": "12:00:00",
        "staff_id ": "2",
        "hourly_rate": "5.00",
        "note": "testing note",
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    "status": false,
    "message": "No data were found"

Timesheets - Request all Timesheets

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/timesheets/

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Data Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Descripción

The id of the data was not found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        "task_id": "2",
        "start_time": "10:00:00",
        "end_time": "12:00:00",
        "staff_id ": "2",
        "hourly_rate": "5.00",
        "note": "testing note",
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    "status": false,
    "message": "No data were found"

Timesheets - Update a Timesheet

PUT dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/timesheets/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
id id

ID for update data.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Data Update Successful."
    HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
      "status": false,
      "message": "Data Not Acceptable OR Not Provided"

   "status": false,
   "message": "Data Update Fail."


Contacts - Add New Contact

POST dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/contacts/


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token


Campo Tipo Descripción
customer_id Number

Mandatory Customer id.

firstname String

Mandatory First Name

lastname String

Mandatory Last Name

email String

Mandatory E-mail

title (optional) String

Optional Position

phonenumber (optional) String

Optional Phone Number

direction (optional) String

Optional Direction (rtl or ltr)

Valor por defecto: rtl

password (optional) String

Optional password (only required if you pass send_set_password_email parameter)

is_primary (optional) String

Optional Primary Contact (set on or don't pass it)

Valor por defecto: on

donotsendwelcomeemail (optional) String

Optional Do Not Send Welcome Email (set on or don't pass it)

send_set_password_email (optional) String

Optional Send Set Password Email (set on or don't pass it)

permissions (optional) Array

Optional Permissions for this contact(["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" ])
"1", // Invoices permission
"2", // Estimates permission
"3", // Contracts permission
"4", // Proposals permission
"5", // Support permission
"6" // Projects permission

invoice_emails (optional) String

Optional E-Mail Notification for Invoices (set value same as name or don't pass it)

Valor por defecto: invoice_emails

estimate_emails (optional) String

Optional E-Mail Notification for Estimate (set value same as name or don't pass it)

Valor por defecto: estimate_emails

credit_note_emails (optional) String

Optional E-Mail Notification for Credit Note (set value same as name or don't pass it)

Valor por defecto: credit_note_emails

project_emails (optional) String

Optional E-Mail Notification for Project (set value same as name or don't pass it)

Valor por defecto: project_emails

ticket_emails (optional) String

Optional E-Mail Notification for Tickets (set value same as name or don't pass it)

Valor por defecto: ticket_emails

task_emails (optional) String

Optional E-Mail Notification for Task (set value same as name or don't pass it)

Valor por defecto: task_emails

contract_emails (optional) String

Optional E-Mail Notification for Contract (set value same as name or don't pass it)

Valor por defecto: contract_emails

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Contact added successfully.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status

message String

Contact add fail

email String

This Email is already exists

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Contact added successfully"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Contact add fail"
    HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
      "status": false,
      "error": {
			"email":"This Email is already exists"
		"message": "This Email is already exists"

Contacts - Delete Contact

DELETE dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/delete/contacts/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token


Campo Tipo Descripción
customer_id Number

unique Customer id

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Contact Deleted Successfully

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status

message String

Contact Delete Fail

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Contact Deleted Successfully"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Contact Delete Fail"

Contacts - List all Contacts of a Customer

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/contacts/:customer_id/:contact_id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token


Campo Tipo Descripción
customer_id Number

Mandatory Customer unique ID

contact_id Number

Optional Contact unique ID
Note : if you don't pass Contact id then it will list all contacts of the customer

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Contact Object

Contact information

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status

message String

No data were found

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
		"id": "6",
		"userid": "1",
		"company": "xyz",
		"vat": "",
		"phonenumber": "1234567890",
		"country": "0",
		"city": "",
		"zip": "360005",
		"state": "",
		"address": "",
		"website": "",
		"datecreated": "2020-08-19 20:07:49",
		"active": "1",
		"leadid": null,
		"billing_street": "",
		"billing_city": "",
		"billing_state": "",
		"billing_zip": "",
		"billing_country": "0",
		"shipping_street": "",
		"shipping_city": "",
		"shipping_state": "",
		"shipping_zip": "",
		"shipping_country": "0",
		"longitude": null,
		"latitude": null,
		"default_language": "english",
		"default_currency": "0",
		"show_primary_contact": "0",
		"stripe_id": null,
		"registration_confirmed": "1",
		"addedfrom": "1"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Contacts - Search Contact Information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/contacts/search/:keysearch


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token


Campo Tipo Descripción
keysearch String

Search Keywords

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Contact Object

Contact information

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status

message String

No data were found

 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "id": "8",
    "userid": "1",
    "is_primary": "0",
    "firstname": "chirag",
    "lastname": "jagani",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phonenumber": "",
    "title": null,
    "datecreated": "2020-05-19 20:07:49",
    "password": "$2a$08$6DLJFalqvJGVymCwW2ppNe9HOG5YUP04vzthXZjOFFUQknxfG6QHe",
    "new_pass_key": null,
    "new_pass_key_requested": null,
    "email_verified_at": "2020-08-28 21:36:06",
    "email_verification_key": null,
    "email_verification_sent_at": null,
    "last_ip": null,
    "last_login": null,
    "last_password_change": null,
    "active": "1",
    "profile_image": null,
    "direction": null,
    "invoice_emails": "0",
    "estimate_emails": "0",
    "credit_note_emails": "0",
    "contract_emails": "0",
    "task_emails": "0",
    "project_emails": "0",
    "ticket_emails": "0",
    "company": "trueline",
    "vat": "",
    "country": "0",
    "city": "",
    "zip": "",
    "state": "",
    "address": "",
    "website": "",
    "leadid": null,
    "billing_street": "",
    "billing_city": "",
    "billing_state": "",
    "billing_zip": "",
    "billing_country": "0",
    "shipping_street": "",
    "shipping_city": "",
    "shipping_state": "",
    "shipping_zip": "",
    "shipping_country": "0",
    "longitude": null,
    "latitude": null,
    "default_language": "english",
    "default_currency": "0",
    "show_primary_contact": "0",
    "stripe_id": null,
    "registration_confirmed": "1",
    "addedfrom": "1"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Contacts - Update Contact Information

PUT dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/contacts/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

Mandatory Customer Contact id.

firstname String

Mandatory First Name

lastname String

Mandatory Last Name

email String

Mandatory E-mail

title (optional) String

Optional Position

phonenumber (optional) String

Optional Phone Number

direction (optional) String

Optional Direction (rtl or ltr)

Valor por defecto: rtl

password (optional) String

Optional password (only required if you pass send_set_password_email parameter)

is_primary (optional) String

Optional Primary Contact (set on or don't pass it)

Valor por defecto: on

donotsendwelcomeemail (optional) String

Optional Do Not Send Welcome Email (set on or don't pass it)

send_set_password_email (optional) String

Optional Send Set Password Email (set on or don't pass it)

permissions (optional) Array

Optional Permissions for this contact(["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" ])
"1", // Invoices permission
"2", // Estimates permission
"3", // Contracts permission
"4", // Proposals permission
"5", // Support permission
"6" // Projects permission

invoice_emails (optional) String

Optional E-Mail Notification for Invoices (set value same as name or don't pass it)

Valor por defecto: invoice_emails

estimate_emails (optional) String

Optional E-Mail Notification for Estimate (set value same as name or don't pass it)

Valor por defecto: estimate_emails

credit_note_emails (optional) String

Optional E-Mail Notification for Credit Note (set value same as name or don't pass it)

Valor por defecto: credit_note_emails

project_emails (optional) String

Optional E-Mail Notification for Project (set value same as name or don't pass it)

Valor por defecto: project_emails

ticket_emails (optional) String

Optional E-Mail Notification for Tickets (set value same as name or don't pass it)

Valor por defecto: ticket_emails

task_emails (optional) String

Optional E-Mail Notification for Task (set value same as name or don't pass it)

Valor por defecto: task_emails

contract_emails (optional) String

Optional E-Mail Notification for Contract (set value same as name or don't pass it)

Valor por defecto: contract_emails

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status

message String

Contact updated successful

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
email String

This Email is already exists

status Boolean

Request status

message String

Contact add fail

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Contact Updated Successfully"
    HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
      "status": false,
      "error": {
			"email":"This Email is already exists"
		"message": "This Email is already exists"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Contact Update fail"


Contracts - Add New Contract

POST dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/contracts


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
subject String

Mandatory. Contract subject

datestart Date

Mandatory. Contract start date

client Number

Mandatory. Customer ID

dateend Date

Optional. Contract end date

contract_type Number

Optional. Contract type

contract_value Number

Optional. Contract value

description String

Optional. Contract description

content String

Optional. Contract content

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Contracts Added Successfully

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Contract add fail

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Contract Added Successfully"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Contract ID Exists"
  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
	    "status": false,
	    "error": {
	        "newitems[]": "The Start date field is required"
	    "message": "<p>The Start date field is required</p>\n"
  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
	    "status": false,
	    "error": {
	        "subtotal": "The Subject field is required"
	    "message": "<p>The Subject field is required</p>\n"
  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
	    "status": false,
	    "error": {
	        "total": "The Customer ID is required"
	    "message": "<p>The Customer ID is required</p>\n"

Contracts - Delete Contract

DELETE dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/contracts/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Contract Deleted Successfully

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Contract Delete Fail

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Contract Deleted Successfully"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Contract Delete Fail"

Contracts - Request Contract information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/contracts/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

Contact unique ID

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Contracts Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
	    "id": "1",
	    "content": "",
	    "description": "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.",
	    "subject": "New Contract",
	    "client": "9",
	    "datestart": "2022-11-21",
	    "dateend": "2027-11-21",
	    "contract_type": "1",
	    "project_id": "0",
	    "addedfrom": "1",
	    "dateadded": "2022-11-21 12:45:58",
	    "isexpirynotified": "0",
	    "contract_value": "13456.00",
	    "trash": "0",
	    "not_visible_to_client": "0",
	    "hash": "31caaa36b9ea1f45a688c7e859d3ae70",
	    "signed": "0",
	    "signature": null,
	    "marked_as_signed": "0",
	    "acceptance_firstname": null,
	    "acceptance_lastname": null,
	    "acceptance_email": null,
	    "acceptance_date": null,
	    "acceptance_ip": null,
	    "short_link": null,
	    "name": "Development Contracts",
	    "userid": "9",
	    "company": "8web",
	    "vat": "",
	    "phonenumber": "",
	    "country": "0",
	    "city": "",
	    "zip": "",
	    "state": "",
	    "address": "",
	    "website": "",
	    "datecreated": "2022-08-11 14:07:26",
	    "active": "1",
	    "leadid": null,
	    "billing_street": "",
	    "billing_city": "",
	    "billing_state": "",
	    "billing_zip": "",
	    "billing_country": "0",
	    "shipping_street": "",
	    "shipping_city": "",
	    "shipping_state": "",
	    "shipping_zip": "",
	    "shipping_country": "0",
	    "longitude": null,
	    "latitude": null,
	    "default_language": "",
	    "default_currency": "0",
	    "show_primary_contact": "0",
	    "stripe_id": null,
	    "registration_confirmed": "1",
	    "type_name": "Development Contracts",
	    "attachments": [],
	    "customfields": [],

Credit Notes

Credit_Notes - Add New Credit Notes

POST dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/credit_notes


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
clientid Number

Mandatory. Customer id

date Date

Mandatory. Credit Note Date

number Number

Mandatory. Credit Note Number

currency Number

Mandatory. currency field

newitems Array

Mandatory. New Items to be added

billing_street String

Optional. Street Address

billing_city (optional) String

Optional. City Name for billing

billing_state (optional) String

Optional. Name of state for billing

billing_zip (optional) Number

Optional. Zip code

billing_country (optional) Number

Optional. Country code

shipping_street (optional) String

Optional. Address of shipping

shipping_city (optional) String

Optional. City name for shipping

shipping_state (optional) String

Optional. Name of state for shipping

shipping_zip (optional) Number

Optional. Zip code for shipping

shipping_country (optional) Number

Optional. Country code

discount_type (optional) String

Optional. before_tax / after_tax discount type

Admin (optional) String

Note] Optional. Admin Note

subtotal Decimal

Mandatory. calculation based on item Qty, Rate and Tax

total Decimal

Mandatory. calculation based on subtotal, Discount and

clientnote (optional) String

Optional. client notes

terms (optional) String

Optional. Terms

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Credit Note Added Successfully

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Credit Note add fail

newitems[] String

The Items field is required

number String

The Credit Note number is already in use

subtotal String

The Sub Total field is required

total String

The Total field is required

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Credit Note Added Successfully"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Credit Note Add Fail"
    HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
      "status": false,
      "error": {
			"number":"The Credit Note number is already in use"
		"message": "The Credit Note number is already in use"
  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
	    "status": false,
	    "error": {
	        "newitems[]": "The Items field is required"
	    "message": "<p>The Items field is required</p>\n"
  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
	    "status": false,
	    "error": {
	        "subtotal": "The Sub Total field is required"
	    "message": "<p>The Sub Total field is required</p>\n"
  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
	    "status": false,
	    "error": {
	        "total": "The Total field is required"
	    "message": "<p>The Total field is required</p>\n"

Credit_Notes - Delete Credit Note

DELETE dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/credit_notes/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Credit Note Deleted Successfully

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Credit Note Delete Fail

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Credit Note Deleted Successfully"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Credit Note Delete Fail"

Credit_Notes - Request Credit notes information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/credit_notes/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Credit Object

notes information.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
	        "id": "2",
	        "clientid": "1",
	        "deleted_customer_name": null,
	        "number": "2",
        "prefix": "CN-",
	        "number_format": "1",
	        "datecreated": "2021-07-30 16:29:46",
	        "date": "2021-08-02",
	        "adminnote": "adminnote2",
        "terms": "",
	        "clientnote": "",
	        "currency": "1",
	        "subtotal": "1200.00",
	        "total_tax": "0.00",
	        "total": "1200.00",
	        "adjustment": "0.00",
	        "addedfrom": "1",
	        "status": "1",
	        "project_id": "0",
	        "discount_percent": "0.00",
	        "discount_total": "0.00",
	        "discount_type": "",
	        "billing_street": "Test",
	        "billing_city": "Test",
	        "billing_state": "Test",
	        "billing_zip": "3000",
	        "billing_country": "102",
	        "shipping_street": "Test",
	        "shipping_city": "Test",
	        "shipping_state": "Test",
	        "shipping_zip": "3000",
	        "shipping_country": "102",
	        "include_shipping": "1",
	        "show_shipping_on_credit_note": "1",
	        "show_quantity_as": "1",
	        "reference_no": "",
	        "userid": "1",
	        "company": "Test",
	        "vat": "",
	        "phonenumber": "01324568903",
	        "country": "102",
	        "city": "Test",
	        "zip": "3000",
	        "state": "Test",
	        "address": "Test",
	        "website": "",
	        "active": "1",
	        "leadid": null,
	        "longitude": null,
	        "latitude": null,
	        "default_language": "",
	        "default_currency": "0",
	        "show_primary_contact": "0",
	        "stripe_id": null,
	        "registration_confirmed": "1",
	        "credit_note_id": "2",
	        "customfields": []
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Credit_Notes - Search credit notes item information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/credit_notes/search/:keysearch


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token


Campo Tipo Descripción
keysearch String

Search Keywords

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
credit Object

notes Information

	HTTP/1.1 200 OK
	        "id": "2",
	        "clientid": "1",
	        "deleted_customer_name": null,
	        "number": "2",
        "prefix": "CN-",
	        "number_format": "1",
	        "datecreated": "2021-07-30 16:29:46",
	        "date": "2021-08-02",
	        "adminnote": "adminnote2",
        "terms": "",
	        "clientnote": "",
	        "currency": "1",
	        "subtotal": "1200.00",
	        "total_tax": "0.00",
	        "total": "1200.00",
	        "adjustment": "0.00",
	        "addedfrom": "1",
	        "status": "1",
	        "project_id": "0",
	        "discount_percent": "0.00",
	        "discount_total": "0.00",
	        "discount_type": "",
	        "billing_street": "Test",
	        "billing_city": "Test",
	        "billing_state": "Test",
	        "billing_zip": "3000",
	        "billing_country": "102",
	        "shipping_street": "Test",
	        "shipping_city": "Test",
	        "shipping_state": "Test",
	        "shipping_zip": "3000",
	        "shipping_country": "102",
	        "include_shipping": "1",
	        "show_shipping_on_credit_note": "1",
	        "show_quantity_as": "1",
	        "reference_no": "",
	        "userid": "1",
	        "company": "test",
	        "vat": "",
	        "phonenumber": "01324568903",
	        "country": "102",
	        "city": "Test",
	        "zip": "3000",
	        "state": "Test",
	        "address": "Test",
	        "website": "",
	        "active": "1",
	        "leadid": null,
	        "longitude": null,
	        "latitude": null,
	        "default_language": "",
	        "default_currency": "0",
	        "show_primary_contact": "0",
	        "stripe_id": null,
	        "registration_confirmed": "1",
	        "credit_note_id": "2",
	        "customfields": []
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Credit_Notes - Update a Credit Note

PUT dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/credit_notes


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
clientid Number

Mandatory. Customer id

date Date

Mandatory. Credit Note Date

number Number

Mandatory. Credit Note Number

currency Number

Mandatory. currency field

newitems Array

Mandatory. New Items to be added

items Array

Mandatory. Existing items with Id

removed_items Array

Optional. Items to be removed

billing_street String

Optional. Street Address

billing_city (optional) String

Optional. City Name for billing

billing_state (optional) String

Optional. Name of state for billing

billing_zip (optional) Number

Optional. Zip code

billing_country (optional) Number

Optional. Country code

shipping_street (optional) String

Optional. Address of shipping

shipping_city (optional) String

Optional. City name for shipping

shipping_state (optional) String

Optional. Name of state for shipping

shipping_zip (optional) Number

Optional. Zip code for shipping

shipping_country (optional) Number

Optional. Country code

discount_type (optional) String

Optional. before_tax / after_tax discount type

Admin (optional) String

Note] Optional. Admin Note

subtotal Decimal

Mandatory. calculation based on item Qty, Rate and Tax

total Decimal

Mandatory. calculation based on subtotal, Discount and

clientnote (optional) String

Optional. client notes

terms (optional) String

Optional. Terms

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Credit Note Updated Successfully

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Credit Note Update Fail

newitems[] String

The Items field is required

number String

The Credit Note number is already in use

subtotal String

The Sub Total field is required

total String

The Total field is required

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Credit Note Updated Successfully"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Credit Note Update Fail"
    HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
      "status": false,
      "error": {
			"number":"The Credit Note number is already in use"
		"message": "The Credit Note number is already in use"
  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
	    "status": false,
	    "error": {
	        "newitems[]": "The Items field is required"
	    "message": "<p>The Items field is required</p>\n"
  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
	    "status": false,
	    "error": {
	        "subtotal": "The Sub Total field is required"
	    "message": "<p>The Sub Total field is required</p>\n"
  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
	    "status": false,
	    "error": {
	        "total": "The Total field is required"
	    "message": "<p>The Total field is required</p>\n"

Custom Fields

Custom_Fields - Add Custom Fields

Submit URL for POST request of the custom fields remains the same for each endpoint (ie api/contacts for Contacts endpoint, api/invoices for Invoices endpoint, etc..)

In this example, we will use the following form data which corresponds to the following custom field types:

custom_fields[invoice][1] = Input Type
custom_fields[invoice][2] = Number
custom_fields[invoice][3] = Textarea
custom_fields[invoice][4] = Radio
custom_fields[invoice][5] = Checkbox
custom_fields[invoice][6] = Multiselect
custom_fields[invoice][7] = Date
custom_fields[invoice][8] = Datetime
custom_fields[invoice][9] = Color
custom_fields[invoice][10] = Link

POST yourdomain.com/N/A


Campo Tipo Descripción
custom_fields[customFieldType] string/array

Custom Field Key should be same as field_name returned from Search custom field values' information

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Same as Original request
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Same as Original request

Custom_Fields - Delete Custom Fields

To remove particular custom field value you can use Update action and an empty value in the custom field.
Note: When you delete any record the corresponding custom field data will be automatically deleted.

DELETE yourdomain.com/N/A

Custom_Fields - Request Custom Fields

Custom fields' data will be returned combined with other request's information during the initial GET request of each available endpoint (Contacts, Invoices etc) with their respective label and value key

GET yourdomain.com/N/A
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        "id": "1",
        "sent": "0",
        "datesend": null,
        "clientid": "1",
        "deleted_customer_name": null,
        "number": "10",
        "prefix": "INV-",
        "number_format": "1",
        "datecreated": "2021-05-14 00:44:52",
        "date": "2021-08-28",
        "duedate": "2021-09-27",
        "currency": "1",
        "subtotal": "110.00",
        "total_tax": "0.00",
        "total": "110.00",
        "adjustment": "0.00",
        "addedfrom": "0",
        "hash": "4222d2f53404324ea73535d3c0f2c3f0",
        "status": "1",
        "clientnote": "",
        "adminnote": "",
        "last_overdue_reminder": null,
        "cancel_overdue_reminders": "1",
        "allowed_payment_modes": "a:2:{i:0;s:1:\"1\";i:1;s:1:\"2\";}",
        "token": null,
        "discount_percent": "0.00",
        "discount_total": "0.00",
        "discount_type": "",
        "recurring": "0",
        "recurring_type": null,
        "custom_recurring": "0",
        "cycles": "0",
        "total_cycles": "0",
        "is_recurring_from": null,
        "last_recurring_date": null,
        "terms": "",
        "sale_agent": "0",
        "billing_street": "billing address",
        "billing_city": "billing city name",
        "billing_state": "billing state name",
        "billing_zip": "billing zip code",
        "billing_country": "0",
        "shipping_street": "shipping address",
        "shipping_city": "city name",
        "shipping_state": "state name",
        "shipping_zip": "zip code",
        "shipping_country": "0",
        "include_shipping": "1",
        "show_shipping_on_invoice": "1",
        "show_quantity_as": "1",
        "project_id": "0",
        "subscription_id": "0",
        "short_link": null,
        "symbol": "$",
        "name": "USD",
        "decimal_separator": ".",
        "thousand_separator": ",",
        "placement": "before",
        "isdefault": "1",
        "currencyid": "1",
        "currency_name": "USD",
        "total_left_to_pay": "110.00",
        "items": [
                "id": "1",
                "rel_id": "1",
                "rel_type": "invoice",
                "description": "item description",
                "long_description": "item long description",
                "qty": "1.00",
                "rate": "10.00",
                "unit": "1",
                "item_order": "1",
                "customfields": [
                        "label": "Input 1",
                        "value": "test 12 item 1"
                        "label": "Number 1",
                        "value": "10"
                        "label": "Textarea 1",
                        "value": "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry"
                        "label": "Select 1",
                        "value": "Option 1"
                        "label": "Multiselect 1",
                        "value": "Option 1, Option 2"
                        "label": "Checkbox 1",
                        "value": "Option 1, Option 3"
                        "label": "Datepicker 1",
                        "value": "2021-05-06"
                        "label": "Datetime Picker 1",
                        "value": "2021-05-06 00:23:25"
                        "label": "Colorpicker 1",
                        "value": "#ffffff"
                        "label": "Hyperlink 1",
                        "value": "<a>Link</a>"
                "id": "2",
                "rel_id": "1",
                "rel_type": "invoice",
                "description": "updated item 2 description",
                "long_description": "updated item 2 logn description",
                "qty": "1.00",
                "rate": "100.00",
                "unit": "",
                "item_order": "2",
                "customfields": [
                        "label": "Input 1",
                        "value": "test 12 item 2"
                        "label": "Number 1",
                        "value": "10"
                        "label": "Textarea 1",
                        "value": "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry"
                        "label": "Select 1",
                        "value": "Option 1"
                        "label": "Multiselect 1",
                        "value": "Option 1, Option 2"
                        "label": "Checkbox 1",
                        "value": "Option 1, Option 3"
                        "label": "Datepicker 1",
                        "value": "2021-05-06"
                        "label": "Datetime Picker 1",
                        "value": "2021-05-06 00:23:25"
                        "label": "Colorpicker 1",
                        "value": "#ffffff"
                        "label": "Hyperlink 1",
                        "value": "<a>Link</a>"
        "attachments": [],
        "visible_attachments_to_customer_found": false,
        "client": {
            "userid": "1",
            "company": "updated company",
            "vat": "",
            "phonenumber": "",
            "country": "0",
            "city": "",
            "zip": "",
            "state": "",
            "address": "",
            "website": "",
            "datecreated": "2021-05-14 00:15:06",
            "active": "1",
            "leadid": null,
            "billing_street": "",
            "billing_city": "",
            "billing_state": "",
            "billing_zip": "",
            "billing_country": "0",
            "shipping_street": "",
            "shipping_city": "",
            "shipping_state": "",
            "shipping_zip": "",
            "shipping_country": "0",
            "longitude": null,
            "latitude": null,
            "default_language": "",
            "default_currency": "0",
            "show_primary_contact": "0",
            "stripe_id": null,
            "registration_confirmed": "1",
            "addedfrom": "0"
        "payments": [],
        "scheduled_email": null,
        "customfields": [
                "label": "Input 1",
                "value": "test 12"
                "label": "Number 1",
                "value": "10"
                "label": "Textarea 1",
                "value": "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry"
                "label": "Select 1",
                "value": "Option 1"
                "label": "Multiselect 1",
                "value": "Option 1, Option 2"
                "label": "Checkbox 1",
                "value": "Option 1, Option 3"
                "label": "Datepicker 1",
                "value": "2021-05-06"
                "label": "Datetime Picker 1",
                "value": "2021-05-06 00:23:25"
                "label": "Colorpicker 1",
                "value": "#ffffff"
                "label": "Hyperlink 1",
                "value": "<a>Link</a>"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Same as Original request

Custom_Fields - Request Values of Custom Fields

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/custom_fields/:FieldBelongsto/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
FieldBelongsto string

Belongs to Mandatory Field Belongs to.

Valores permitidos:

id (optional) Number

Optional unique ID.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Custom Object

Custom Fields information with values.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        "field_name": "custom_fields[invoice][1]",
        "custom_field_id": "1",
        "label": "Input 1",
        "required": "0",
        "type": "input",
        "value": "input1 data"
        "field_name": "custom_fields[invoice][2]",
        "custom_field_id": "2",
        "label": "Number 1",
        "required": "0",
        "type": "number",
        "value": "12"
        "field_name": "custom_fields[invoice][3]",
        "custom_field_id": "3",
        "label": "Textarea 1",
        "required": "0",
        "type": "textarea",
        "value": "textarea content"
        "field_name": "custom_fields[invoice][4]",
        "custom_field_id": "4",
        "label": "Select 1",
        "required": "0",
        "type": "select",
        "value": "[\"Option 1\"]",
        "options": "[\"Option 1\",\"Option 2\",\"Option 3\"]"
        "field_name": "custom_fields[invoice][5]",
        "custom_field_id": "5",
        "label": "Multiselect 1",
        "required": "0",
        "type": "multiselect",
        "value": "[\"Option 1\",\" Option 2\"]",
        "options": "[\"Option 1\",\"Option 2\",\"Option 3\"]"
        "field_name": "custom_fields[invoice][6]",
        "custom_field_id": "6",
        "label": "Checkbox 1",
        "required": "0",
        "type": "checkbox",
        "value": "[\"Option 1\",\" Option 2\"]",
        "options": "[\"Option 1\",\"Option 2\",\"Option 3\"]"
        "field_name": "custom_fields[invoice][7]",
        "custom_field_id": "7",
        "label": "Datepicker 1",
        "required": "0",
        "type": "date_picker",
        "value": "2021-05-16"
        "field_name": "custom_fields[invoice][8]",
        "custom_field_id": "8",
        "label": "Datetime Picker 1",
        "required": "0",
        "type": "date_picker_time",
        "value": "2021-05-25 23:06:00"
        "field_name": "custom_fields[invoice][9]",
        "custom_field_id": "9",
        "label": "Colorpicker 1",
        "required": "0",
        "type": "colorpicker",
        "value": "#8f1b1b"
        "field_name": "custom_fields[invoice][10]",
        "custom_field_id": "10",
        "label": "Hyperlink 1",
        "required": "0",
        "type": "link",
        "value": "<a href=\"https://google.com\" target=\"_blank\">google</a>"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Custom_Fields - Search custom field values' information

Custom fields' data will be returned combined with other request's information during the initial SEARCH request of each available endpoint (Contacts, Invoices etc) with their respective label and value key

GET yourdomain.com/N/A
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            "id": "1",
            "sent": "0",
            "datesend": null,
            "clientid": "1",
            "deleted_customer_name": null,
            "number": "10",
            "prefix": "INV-",
            "number_format": "1",
            "datecreated": "2021-05-14 00:15:06",
            "date": "2021-08-28",
            "duedate": "2021-09-27",
            "currency": "1",
            "subtotal": "110.00",
            "total_tax": "0.00",
            "total": "110.00",
            "adjustment": "0.00",
            "addedfrom": "0",
            "hash": "4222d2f53404324ea73535d3c0f2c3f0",
            "status": "1",
            "clientnote": "",
            "adminnote": "",
            "last_overdue_reminder": null,
            "cancel_overdue_reminders": "1",
            "allowed_payment_modes": "a:2:{i:0;s:1:\"1\";i:1;s:1:\"2\";}",
            "token": null,
            "discount_percent": "0.00",
            "discount_total": "0.00",
            "discount_type": "",
            "recurring": "0",
            "recurring_type": null,
            "custom_recurring": "0",
            "cycles": "0",
            "total_cycles": "0",
            "is_recurring_from": null,
            "last_recurring_date": null,
            "terms": "",
            "sale_agent": "0",
            "billing_street": "",
            "billing_city": "",
            "billing_state": "",
            "billing_zip": "",
            "billing_country": "0",
            "shipping_street": "",
            "shipping_city": "",
            "shipping_state": "",
            "shipping_zip": "",
            "shipping_country": "0",
            "include_shipping": "1",
            "show_shipping_on_invoice": "1",
            "show_quantity_as": "1",
            "project_id": "0",
            "subscription_id": "0",
            "short_link": null,
            "userid": "1",
            "company": "updated company",
            "vat": "",
            "phonenumber": "",
            "country": "0",
            "city": "",
            "zip": "",
            "state": "",
            "address": "",
            "website": "",
            "active": "1",
            "leadid": null,
            "longitude": null,
            "latitude": null,
            "default_language": "",
            "default_currency": "0",
            "show_primary_contact": "0",
            "stripe_id": null,
            "registration_confirmed": "1",
            "invoiceid": "1",
            "customfields": [
                    "label": "Input 1",
                    "value": "test 12"
                    "label": "Number 1",
                    "value": "10"
                    "label": "Textarea 1",
                    "value": "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry"
                    "label": "Select 1",
                    "value": "Option 1"
                    "label": "Multiselect 1",
                    "value": "Option 1, Option 2"
                    "label": "Checkbox 1",
                    "value": "Option 1, Option 3"
                    "label": "Datepicker 1",
                    "value": "2021-05-06"
                    "label": "Datetime Picker 1",
                    "value": "2021-05-06 00:23:25"
                    "label": "Colorpicker 1",
                    "value": "#ffffff"
                    "label": "Hyperlink 1",
                    "value": "<a>Link</a>"
            "id": "2",
            "sent": "0",
            "datesend": null,
            "clientid": "1",
            "deleted_customer_name": null,
            "number": "4",
            "prefix": "INV-",
            "number_format": "1",
            "datecreated": "2021-05-14 00:15:06",
            "date": "2021-05-28",
            "duedate": "2021-06-27",
            "currency": "1",
            "subtotal": "110.00",
            "total_tax": "0.00",
            "total": "110.00",
            "adjustment": "0.00",
            "addedfrom": "0",
            "hash": "630f8cc7ed2e6a70c4113ab24041bdf5",
            "status": "6",
            "clientnote": "",
            "adminnote": "",
            "last_overdue_reminder": null,
            "cancel_overdue_reminders": "1",
            "allowed_payment_modes": "a:2:{i:0;s:1:\"1\";i:1;s:1:\"2\";}",
            "token": null,
            "discount_percent": "0.00",
            "discount_total": "0.00",
            "discount_type": "",
            "recurring": "0",
            "recurring_type": null,
            "custom_recurring": "0",
            "cycles": "0",
            "total_cycles": "0",
            "is_recurring_from": null,
            "last_recurring_date": null,
            "terms": "",
            "sale_agent": "0",
            "billing_street": "",
            "billing_city": "",
            "billing_state": "",
            "billing_zip": "",
            "billing_country": "0",
            "shipping_street": "",
            "shipping_city": "",
            "shipping_state": "",
            "shipping_zip": "",
            "shipping_country": "0",
            "include_shipping": "1",
            "show_shipping_on_invoice": "1",
            "show_quantity_as": "1",
            "project_id": "0",
            "subscription_id": "0",
            "short_link": null,
            "userid": "1",
            "company": "updated company",
            "vat": "",
            "phonenumber": "",
            "country": "0",
            "city": "",
            "zip": "",
            "state": "",
            "address": "",
            "website": "",
            "active": "1",
            "leadid": null,
            "longitude": null,
            "latitude": null,
            "default_language": "",
            "default_currency": "0",
            "show_primary_contact": "0",
            "stripe_id": null,
            "registration_confirmed": "1",
            "invoiceid": "2",
            "customfields": [
                    "label": "Input 1",
                    "value": "test 12"
                    "label": "Number 1",
                    "value": "10"
                    "label": "Textarea 1",
                    "value": "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry"
                    "label": "Select 1",
                    "value": "Option 1"
                    "label": "Multiselect 1",
                    "value": "Option 1, Option 2"
                    "label": "Checkbox 1",
                    "value": "Option 1, Option 3"
                    "label": "Datepicker 1",
                    "value": "2021-05-06"
                    "label": "Datetime Picker 1",
                    "value": "2021-05-06 00:23:25"
                    "label": "Colorpicker 1",
                    "value": "#ffffff"
                    "label": "Hyperlink 1",
                    "value": "<a>Link</a>"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Same as Original request

Custom_Fields - Update Custom Fields

Submit URL for PUT request of the custom fields remains the same for each endpoint (ie api/contacts for Contacts endpoint, api/invoices for Invoices endpoint, etc..)

In this example, we will use the following form data which corresponds to the following custom field types:

custom_fields[invoice][1] = Input Type
custom_fields[invoice][2] = Number
custom_fields[invoice][3] = Textarea
custom_fields[invoice][4] = Radio
custom_fields[invoice][5] = Checkbox
custom_fields[invoice][6] = Multiselect
custom_fields[invoice][7] = Date
custom_fields[invoice][8] = Datetime
custom_fields[invoice][9] = Color
custom_fields[invoice][10] = Link

PUT yourdomain.com/N/A


Campo Tipo Descripción
custom_fields[customFieldType] string/array

Custom Field JSON should be same as below with field_name and custom_field_id returned from Search custom field values' information

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Same as Original request
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Same as Original request


Customers - Add New Customer

POST dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/customers


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
company String

Mandatory Customer company.

vat (optional) String

Optional Vat.

phonenumber (optional) String

Optional Customer Phone.

website (optional) String

Optional Customer Website.

groups_in (optional) Number[]

Optional Customer groups.

default_language (optional) String

Optional Customer Default Language.

default_currency (optional) String

Optional default currency.

address (optional) String

Optional Customer address.

city (optional) String

Optional Customer City.

state (optional) String

Optional Customer state.

zip (optional) String

Optional Zip Code.

partnership_type (optional) String

Optional Customer partnership type.

country (optional) String

Optional country.

billing_street (optional) String

Optional Billing Address: Street.

billing_city (optional) String

Optional Billing Address: City.

billing_state (optional) Number

Optional Billing Address: State.

billing_zip (optional) String

Optional Billing Address: Zip.

billing_country (optional) String

Optional Billing Address: Country.

shipping_street (optional) String

Optional Shipping Address: Street.

shipping_city (optional) String

Optional Shipping Address: City.

shipping_state (optional) String

Optional Shipping Address: State.

shipping_zip (optional) String

Optional Shipping Address: Zip.

shipping_country (optional) String

Optional Shipping Address: Country.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Customer add successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Customer add fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Customer add successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Customer add fail."

Customers - Delete a Customer

DELETE dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/delete/customers/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

Customer unique ID.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Customer Delete Successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Customer Delete Fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Customer Delete Successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Customer Delete Fail."

Customers - Request customer information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/customers/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

customer unique ID.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
customer Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     "id": "28",
     "name": "Test1",
     "description": null,
     "status": "1",
     "clientid": "11",
     "billing_type": "3",
     "start_date": "2019-04-19",
     "deadline": "2019-08-30",
     "customer_created": "2019-07-16",
     "date_finished": null,
     "progress": "0",
     "progress_from_tasks": "1",
     "customer_cost": "0.00",
     "customer_rate_per_hour": "0.00",
     "estimated_hours": "0.00",
     "addedfrom": "5",
     "rel_type": "customer",
     "potential_revenue": "0.00",
     "potential_margin": "0.00",
     "external": "E",
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Customers - Search Customer Information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/customers/search/:keysearch


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
keysearch String

Search Keywords.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
customer Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     "id": "28",
     "name": "Test1",
     "description": null,
     "status": "1",
     "clientid": "11",
     "billing_type": "3",
     "start_date": "2019-04-19",
     "deadline": "2019-08-30",
     "customer_created": "2019-07-16",
     "date_finished": null,
     "progress": "0",
     "progress_from_tasks": "1",
     "customer_cost": "0.00",
     "customer_rate_per_hour": "0.00",
     "estimated_hours": "0.00",
     "addedfrom": "5",
     "rel_type": "customer",
     "potential_revenue": "0.00",
     "potential_margin": "0.00",
     "external": "E",
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Customers - Update a Customer

PUT dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/customers/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
company String

Mandatory Customer company.

vat (optional) String

Optional Vat.

phonenumber (optional) String

Optional Customer Phone.

website (optional) String

Optional Customer Website.

groups_in (optional) Number[]

Optional Customer groups.

default_language (optional) String

Optional Customer Default Language.

default_currency (optional) String

Optional default currency.

address (optional) String

Optional Customer address.

city (optional) String

Optional Customer City.

state (optional) String

Optional Customer state.

zip (optional) String

Optional Zip Code.

country (optional) String

Optional country.

billing_street (optional) String

Optional Billing Address: Street.

billing_city (optional) String

Optional Billing Address: City.

billing_state (optional) Number

Optional Billing Address: State.

billing_zip (optional) String

Optional Billing Address: Zip.

billing_country (optional) String

Optional Billing Address: Country.

shipping_street (optional) String

Optional Shipping Address: Street.

shipping_city (optional) String

Optional Shipping Address: City.

shipping_state (optional) String

Optional Shipping Address: State.

shipping_zip (optional) String

Optional Shipping Address: Zip.

shipping_country (optional) String

Optional Shipping Address: Country.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Customer Update Successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Customer Update Fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Customer Update Successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Customer Update Fail."


Estimates - Add New Estimates

POST dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/estimates


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
clientid Number

Mandatory. Customer id

number Number

Mandatory. Estimates Number

date Date

Mandatory. Estimates Date

duedate (optional) Date

Optional. Expiry Date of Estimates

currency Number

Mandatory. currency field

newitems Array

Mandatory. New Items to be added

subtotal Decimal

Mandatory. calculation based on item Qty, Rate and Tax

total Decimal

Mandatory. calculation based on subtotal, Discount and Adjustment

billing_street String

Optional. Street Address

billing_city (optional) String

Optional. City Name for billing

billing_state (optional) String

Optional. Name of state for billing

billing_zip (optional) Number

Optional. Zip code

billing_country (optional) Number

Optional. Country code

shipping_street (optional) String

Optional. Address of shipping

shipping_city (optional) String

Optional. City name for shipping

shipping_state (optional) String

Optional. Name of state for shipping

shipping_zip (optional) Number

Optional. Zip code for shipping

shipping_country (optional) Number

Optional. Country code

tags (optional) String

Optional. TAGS comma separated

status (optional) Number

Optional. Status id (default status is Accepted)

Reference (optional) String

Optional. Reference name

sale_agent (optional) Number

Optional. Sale Agent name

adminnote (optional) String

Optional. notes by admin

clientnote (optional) String

Optional. client notes

terms (optional) String

Optional. Terms

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Estimates Added Successfully

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Estimates add fail

newitems[] String

The Items field is required

number String

The Estimates number is already in use

subtotal String

The Sub Total field is required

total String

The Total field is required

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Estimates Added Successfully"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Estimates Add Fail"
    HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
      "status": false,
      "error": {
			"number":"The Estimates number is already in use"
		"message": "The Estimates number is already in use"
  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
	    "status": false,
	    "error": {
	        "newitems[]": "The Items field is required"
	    "message": "<p>The Items field is required</p>\n"
  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
	    "status": false,
	    "error": {
	        "subtotal": "The Sub Total field is required"
	    "message": "<p>The Sub Total field is required</p>\n"
  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
	    "status": false,
	    "error": {
	        "total": "The Total field is required"
	    "message": "<p>The Total field is required</p>\n"

Estimates - Delete Estimate

DELETE dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/estimates/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Estimates Deleted Successfully

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Estimate Delete Fail

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Estimate Deleted Successfully"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Estimate Delete Fail"

Estimates - Request Estimate information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/estimates/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

Contact unique ID

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Estimates Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
	    "id": "1",
	    "sent": "0",
	    "datesend": null,
	    "clientid": "1",
	    "deleted_customer_name": null,
	    "project_id": "0",
	    "number": "1",
	    "prefix": "EST-",
	    "number_format": "1",
	    "hash": "b12ae9de6471d0cf153d7846f05128af",
	    "datecreated": "2021-07-31 11:06:49",
	    "date": "2021-07-31",
	    "expirydate": "2021-08-07",
	    "currency": "1",
	    "subtotal": "1200.00",
	    "total_tax": "0.00",
	    "total": "1200.00",
	    "adjustment": "0.00",
	    "addedfrom": "1",
	    "status": "1",
	    "clientnote": "",
	    "adminnote": "",
	    "discount_percent": "0.00",
	    "discount_total": "0.00",
	    "discount_type": "",
	    "invoiceid": null,
	    "invoiced_date": null,
	    "terms": "",
	    "reference_no": "",
	    "sale_agent": "0",
	    "billing_street": "Thangadh, Gujarat, India<br />\r\nShipping",
	    "billing_city": "Thangadh",
	    "billing_state": "Gujarat",
	    "billing_zip": "363630",
	    "billing_country": "102",
	    "shipping_street": "Thangadh, Gujarat, India<br />\r\nShipping",
	    "shipping_city": "Thangadh",
	    "shipping_state": "Gujarat",
	    "shipping_zip": "363630",
	    "shipping_country": "102",
	    "include_shipping": "1",
	    "show_shipping_on_estimate": "1",
	    "show_quantity_as": "1",
	    "pipeline_order": "0",
	    "is_expiry_notified": "0",
	    "acceptance_firstname": null,
	    "acceptance_lastname": null,
	    "acceptance_email": null,
	    "acceptance_date": null,
	    "acceptance_ip": null,
	    "signature": null,
	    "short_link": null,
	    "symbol": "$",
	    "name": "USD",
	    "decimal_separator": ".",
	    "thousand_separator": ",",
	    "placement": "before",
	    "isdefault": "1",
	    "currencyid": "1",
	    "currency_name": "USD",
	    "attachments": [],
	    "visible_attachments_to_customer_found": false,
	    "items": [
	            "id": "2",
	            "rel_id": "1",
	            "rel_type": "estimate",
	            "description": "test",
	            "long_description": "test",
	            "qty": "1.00",
	            "rate": "1200.00",
	            "unit": "1",
	            "item_order": "1"
	    "client": {
	        "userid": "1",
	        "company": "test",
	        "vat": "",
	        "phonenumber": "01324568903",
	        "country": "102",
	        "city": "test",
	        "zip": "3000",
	        "state": "Test",
	        "address": "Test",
	        "website": "",
	        "datecreated": "2021-07-30 16:29:46",
	        "active": "1",
	        "leadid": null,
	        "billing_street": "Test",
	        "billing_city": "Test",
	        "billing_state": "Test",
	        "billing_zip": "3000",
	        "billing_country": "102",
	        "shipping_street": "Test",
	        "shipping_city": "Test",
	        "shipping_state": "Test",
	        "shipping_zip": "3000",
	        "shipping_country": "102",
	        "longitude": null,
	        "latitude": null,
	        "default_language": "",
	        "default_currency": "0",
	        "show_primary_contact": "0",
	        "stripe_id": null,
	        "registration_confirmed": "1",
	        "addedfrom": "1"
	    "scheduled_email": null,
	    "customfields": []
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Estimates - Search Estimate information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/estimates/search/:keysearch


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
keysearch String

Search Keywords.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Estimate Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "id": "2",
    "sent": "0",
    "datesend": null,
    "clientid": "1",
    "deleted_customer_name": null,
    "project_id": "0",
    "number": "2",
    "prefix": "EST-",
    "number_format": "1",
    "hash": "ac754972999f948ade369c70bb44d696",
    "datecreated": "2021-07-30 16:29:46",
    "date": "2021-08-01",
    "expirydate": "2021-08-08",
    "currency": "1",
    "subtotal": "1200.00",
    "total_tax": "0.00",
    "total": "1200.00",
    "adjustment": "0.00",
    "addedfrom": "1",
    "status": "1",
    "clientnote": "",
    "adminnote": "adminnote",
    "discount_percent": "0.00",
    "discount_total": "0.00",
    "discount_type": "",
    "invoiceid": null,
    "invoiced_date": null,
    "terms": "",
    "reference_no": "",
    "sale_agent": "0",
    "billing_street": "Test",
    "billing_city": "Test",
    "billing_state": "Test",
    "billing_zip": "3000",
    "billing_country": "102",
    "shipping_street": "Test",
    "shipping_city": "Test",
    "shipping_state": "Test",
    "shipping_zip": "3000",
    "shipping_country": "102",
    "include_shipping": "1",
    "show_shipping_on_estimate": "1",
    "show_quantity_as": "1",
    "pipeline_order": "0",
    "is_expiry_notified": "0",
    "acceptance_firstname": null,
    "acceptance_lastname": null,
    "acceptance_email": null,
    "acceptance_date": null,
    "acceptance_ip": null,
    "signature": null,
    "short_link": null,
    "userid": "1",
    "company": "test",
    "vat": "",
    "phonenumber": "01324568903",
    "country": "102",
    "city": "Test",
    "zip": "3000",
    "state": "Test",
    "address": "Test",
    "website": "",
    "active": "1",
    "leadid": null,
    "longitude": null,
    "latitude": null,
    "default_language": "",
    "default_currency": "0",
    "show_primary_contact": "0",
    "stripe_id": null,
    "registration_confirmed": "1",
    "estimateid": "2",
   "customfields": []
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No Data Were Found"

Estimates - Update a estimate

PUT dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/estimates/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
clientid String

Mandatory. Customer.

billing_street String

Mandatory. Street Address

billing_city (optional) String

Optional. City Name for billing

billing_state (optional) String

Optional. Name of state for billing

billing_zip (optional) Number

Optional. Zip code

billing_country (optional) Number

Optional. Country code

include_shipping (optional) boolean

Optional. set yes if you want add Shipping Address

Valor por defecto: no

show_shipping_on_estimate (optional) boolean

Optional. Shows shipping details in estimate.

shipping_street (optional) String

Optional. Address of shipping

shipping_city (optional) String

Optional. City name for shipping

shipping_state (optional) String

Optional. Name of state for shipping

shipping_zip (optional) Number

Optional. Zip code for shipping

shipping_country (optional) Number

Optional. Country code

number Number

Mandatory. Estimate Number

date Date

Mandatory. Estimate Date

expirydate (optional) Date

Optional. Expiry Date of Estimate

tags (optional) String

Optional. TAGS comma separated

currency Number

Mandatory. currency field

status Number

Mandatory. Estimate Status(eg. Draft, Sent)

reference_no (optional) String

Optional. Reference #

sale_agent (optional) Number

Optional. Sale Agent name

discount_type (optional) String

Optional. before_tax / after_tax discount type

adminnote (optional) String

Optional. notes by admin

items (optional) Array

Mandatory. Existing items with Id

removed_items (optional) Array

Optional. Items to be removed

newitems (optional) Array

Optional. New Items to be added

subtotal Decimal

Mandatory. calculation based on item Qty, Rate and Tax

total Decimal

Mandatory. calculation based on subtotal, Discount and Adjustment

clientnote (optional) String

Optional. client notes

terms (optional) String

Optional. Terms

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
number String

The Estimate number is already in use

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": false,
  "message": "Estimate Updated Successfully"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Estimate Update Fail"
    HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
      "status": false,
      "error": {
			"number":"The Estimate number is already in use"
		"message": "The Estimate number is already in use"

Expense Categories

Expense_Categories - Request Expense category

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/common/expense_category


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Expense Array

category information.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

           "id": "1",
           "name": "cloud server",
           "description": "AWS server"
           "id": "2",
           "name": "website domain",
           "description": "domain Managment and configurations"

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"


Expenses - Add Expense

POST dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/expenses


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
expense_name (optional) String

Optional. Expanse Name

note (optional) String

Optional. Expanse Note

category Number

Mandatory. Expense Category

amount Decimal

Mandatory. Expense Amount

date Date

Mandatory. Expense Date

clientid Number

Optional. Customer id

currency Number

Mandatory. Currency Field

tax Number

Optional. Tax 1

tax2 Number

Optional. Tax 2

paymentmode Number

Optional. Payment mode

reference_no (optional) String

Optional. Reference #

recurring (optional) String

Optional. recurring 1 to 12 or custom

repeat_every_custom (optional) Number

Optional. if recurring is custom set number gap

repeat_type_custom (optional) String

Optional. if recurring is custom set gap option day/week/month/year

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Expense Added Successfully

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Expense Update Fail

category String

The Expense Category is not found.

date String

The Expense date field is required.

amount String

The Amount field is required.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Expense Added Successfully"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Expense Add Fail"
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
  "status": false,
  "error": {
     "category":"The Expense Category is not found"
 "message": "The Expense Category is not found"
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
  "status": false,
  "error": {
     "date":"The Expense date field is required."
 "message": "The Expense date field is required."
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
  "status": false,
  "error": {
     "amount":"The Amount field is required."
 "message": "The Amount field is required."

Expenses - Delete Expense

DELETE dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/expenses/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Expense Deleted Successfully

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Expense Delete Fail

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Expense Deleted Successfully"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Expense Delete Fail"

Expenses - Request Expense information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/expenses/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

Expense unique ID.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Expense Array

Expense information.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

        "id": "1",
        "category": "1",
        "currency": "1",
        "amount": "50.00",
        "tax": "0",
        "tax2": "0",
        "reference_no": "012457893",
        "note": "AWS server hosting charges",
        "expense_name": "Cloud Hosting",
        "clientid": "1",
        "project_id": "0",
        "billable": "0",
        "invoiceid": null,
        "paymentmode": "2",
        "date": "2021-09-01",
        "recurring_type": "month",
        "repeat_every": "1",
        "recurring": "1",
        "cycles": "12",
        "total_cycles": "0",
        "custom_recurring": "0",
        "last_recurring_date": null,
        "create_invoice_billable": "0",
        "send_invoice_to_customer": "0",
        "recurring_from": null,
        "dateadded": "2021-09-01 12:26:34",
        "addedfrom": "1",
        "is_expense_created_in_xero": "0",
        "userid": "1",
        "company": "Company A",
        "vat": "",
        "phonenumber": "",
        "country": "0",
        "city": "",
        "zip": "",
        "state": "",
        "address": "",
        "website": "",
        "datecreated": "2020-05-25 22:55:49",
        "active": "1",
        "leadid": null,
        "billing_street": "",
        "billing_city": "",
        "billing_state": "",
        "billing_zip": "",
        "billing_country": "0",
        "shipping_street": "",
        "shipping_city": "",
        "shipping_state": "",
        "shipping_zip": "",
        "shipping_country": "0",
        "longitude": null,
        "latitude": null,
        "default_language": "",
        "default_currency": "0",
        "show_primary_contact": "0",
        "stripe_id": null,
        "registration_confirmed": "1",
        "name": "Hosting Management",
        "description": "server space and other settings",
        "show_on_pdf": "0",
        "invoices_only": "0",
        "expenses_only": "0",
        "selected_by_default": "0",
        "taxrate": null,
        "category_name": "Hosting Management",
        "payment_mode_name": "Paypal",
        "tax_name": null,
        "tax_name2": null,
        "taxrate2": null,
        "expenseid": "1",
        "customfields": []
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Expenses - Search Expenses information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/expenses/search/:keysearch


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token


Campo Tipo Descripción
keysearch String

Search Keywords

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Expenses Array

Expenses Information

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status

message String

No data were found

        "id": "1",
        "category": "1",
        "currency": "1",
        "amount": "50.00",
        "tax": "0",
        "tax2": "0",
        "reference_no": "012457893",
        "note": "AWS server hosting charges",
        "expense_name": "Cloud Hosting",
        "clientid": "1",
        "project_id": "0",
        "billable": "0",
        "invoiceid": null,
        "paymentmode": "2",
        "date": "2021-09-01",
        "recurring_type": "month",
        "repeat_every": "1",
        "recurring": "1",
        "cycles": "12",
        "total_cycles": "0",
        "custom_recurring": "0",
        "last_recurring_date": null,
        "create_invoice_billable": "0",
        "send_invoice_to_customer": "0",
        "recurring_from": null,
        "dateadded": "2021-09-01 12:26:34",
        "addedfrom": "1",
        "is_expense_created_in_xero": "0",
        "userid": "1",
        "company": "Company A",
        "vat": "",
        "phonenumber": "",
        "country": "0",
        "city": "",
        "zip": "",
        "state": "",
        "address": "",
        "website": "",
        "datecreated": "2020-05-25 22:55:49",
        "active": "1",
        "leadid": null,
        "billing_street": "",
        "billing_city": "",
        "billing_state": "",
        "billing_zip": "",
        "billing_country": "0",
        "shipping_street": "",
        "shipping_city": "",
        "shipping_state": "",
        "shipping_zip": "",
        "shipping_country": "0",
        "longitude": null,
        "latitude": null,
        "default_language": "",
        "default_currency": "0",
        "show_primary_contact": "0",
        "stripe_id": null,
        "registration_confirmed": "1",
        "name": "Hosting Management",
        "description": "server space and other settings",
        "show_on_pdf": "0",
        "invoices_only": "0",
        "expenses_only": "0",
        "selected_by_default": "0",
        "taxrate": null,
        "category_name": "Hosting Management",
        "payment_mode_name": "Paypal",
        "tax_name": null,
        "tax_name2": null,
        "taxrate2": null,
        "expenseid": "1",
        "customfields": []
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Expenses - Update a Expense

PUT dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/expenses


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
expense_name (optional) String

Optional. Name

note (optional) String

Optional. Note

category Number

Mandatory. Expense Category

amount Decimal

Mandatory. Expense Amount

date Date

Mandatory. Expense Date

clientid Number

Optional. Customer id

currency Number

Mandatory. currency field

tax Number

Optional. Tax 1

tax2 Number

Optional. Tax 2

paymentmode Number

Optional. Payment mode

reference_no (optional) String

Optional. Reference #

recurring (optional) String

Optional. recurring 1 to 12 or custom

repeat_every_custom (optional) Number

Optional. if recurring is custom set number gap

repeat_type_custom (optional) String

Optional. if recurring is custom set gap option day/week/month/year

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Expense Updated Successfully

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Expense Update Fail

category String

The Expense Category is not found.

date String

The Expense date field is required.

amount String

The Amount field is required.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Expense Updated Successfully"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Expense Update Fail"
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
  "status": false,
  "error": {
     "category":"The Expense Category is not found"
 "message": "The Expense Category is not found"
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
  "status": false,
  "error": {
     "date":"The Expense date field is required."
 "message": "The Expense date field is required."
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
  "status": false,
  "error": {
     "amount":"The Amount field is required."
 "message": "The Amount field is required."


Invoices - Add New invoice

POST dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/invoices


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
clientid Number

Mandatory. Customer id

number Number

Mandatory. Invoice Number

date Date

Mandatory. Invoice Date

currency Number

Mandatory. currency field

newitems Array

Mandatory. New Items to be added

subtotal Decimal

Mandatory. calculation based on item Qty, Rate and Tax

total Decimal

Mandatory. calculation based on subtotal, Discount and Adjustment

billing_street String

Mandatory. Street Address

allowed_payment_modes Array

Mandatory. Payment modes

billing_city (optional) String

Optional. City Name for billing

billing_state (optional) String

Optional. Name of state for billing

billing_zip (optional) Number

Optional. Zip code

billing_country (optional) Number

Optional. Country code

include_shipping (optional) boolean

Optional. set yes if you want add Shipping Address

Valor por defecto: no

show_shipping_on_invoice (optional) boolean

Optional. Shows shipping details in invoice.

shipping_street (optional) String

Optional. Address of shipping

shipping_city (optional) String

Optional. City name for shipping

shipping_state (optional) String

Optional. Name of state for shipping

shipping_zip (optional) Number

Optional. Zip code for shipping

shipping_country (optional) Number

Optional. Country code

duedate (optional) Date

Optional. Due date for Invoice

cancel_overdue_reminders (optional) boolean

Optional. Prevent sending overdue remainders for invoice

tags (optional) String

Optional. TAGS comma separated

sale_agent (optional) Number

Optional. Sale Agent name

recurring (optional) String

Optional. recurring 1 to 12 or custom

discount_type (optional) String

Optional. before_tax / after_tax discount type

repeat_every_custom (optional) Number

Optional. if recurring is custom set number gap

repeat_type_custom (optional) String

Optional. if recurring is custom set gap option day/week/month/year

cycles (optional) Number

Optional. number of cycles 0 for infinite

adminnote (optional) String

Optional. notes by admin

removed_items (optional) Array

Optional. Items to be removed

clientnote (optional) String

Optional. client notes

terms (optional) String

Optional. Terms

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Invoice Added Successfully

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Invoice add fail

newitems[] String

The Items field is required

number String

The Invoice number is already in use

allowed_payment_modes[] String

The Allow Payment Mode field is required

billing_street String

The Billing Street field is required

subtotal String

The Sub Total field is required

total String

The Total field is required

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Invoice Added Successfully"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Invoice Add Fail"
    HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
      "status": false,
      "error": {
			"number":"The Invoice number is already in use"
		"message": "The Invoice number is already in use"
  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
	    "status": false,
	    "error": {
	        "allowed_payment_modes[]": "The Allow Payment Mode field is required."
	    "message": "<p>The Allow Payment Mode field is required.</p>\n"
  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
	    "status": false,
	    "error": {
	        "billing_street": "The Billing Street field is required"
	    "message": "<p>The Billing Street field is required</p>\n"
  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
	    "status": false,
	    "error": {
	        "newitems[]": "The Items field is required"
	    "message": "<p>The Items field is required</p>\n"
  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
	    "status": false,
	    "error": {
	        "subtotal": "The Sub Total field is required"
	    "message": "<p>The Sub Total field is required</p>\n"
  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
	    "status": false,
	    "error": {
	        "total": "The Total field is required"
	    "message": "<p>The Total field is required</p>\n"

Invoices - Delete invoice

DELETE dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/invoices/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Invoice Deleted Successfully

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Invoice Delete Fail

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Invoice Deleted Successfully"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Invoice Delete Fail"

Invoices - Request invoice information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/invoices/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

Contact unique ID

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Invoice Object

Invoice information.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      "id": "2",
      "sent": "0",
      "datesend": null,
      "clientid": "1",
      "deleted_customer_name": null,
      "number": "2",
      "prefix": "INV-",
      "number_format": "1",
      "datecreated": "2020-05-26 19:53:11",
      "date": "2020-05-26",
      "duedate": "2020-06-25",
      "currency": "1",
      "subtotal": "5.00",
      "total_tax": "0.00",
      "total": "5.00",
      "adjustment": "0.00",
      "addedfrom": "0",
      "hash": "7bfac86da004df5364407574d4d1dbf2",
      "status": "1",
      "clientnote": null,
      "adminnote": null,
      "last_overdue_reminder": null,
      "cancel_overdue_reminders": "0",
      "allowed_payment_modes": "['1']",
      "token": null,
      "discount_percent": "0.00",
      "discount_total": "0.00",
      "discount_type": "",
      "recurring": "0",
      "recurring_type": null,
      "custom_recurring": "0",
      "cycles": "0",
      "total_cycles": "0",
      "is_recurring_from": null,
      "last_recurring_date": null,
      "terms": null,
      "sale_agent": "0",
      "billing_street": "",
      "billing_city": "",
      "billing_state": "",
      "billing_zip": "",
      "billing_country": null,
      "shipping_street": null,
      "shipping_city": null,
      "shipping_state": null,
      "shipping_zip": null,
      "shipping_country": null,
      "include_shipping": "0",
      "show_shipping_on_invoice": "1",
      "show_quantity_as": "1",
      "project_id": "0",
      "subscription_id": "0",
      "symbol": "$",
      "name": "USD",
      "decimal_separator": ".",
      "thousand_separator": ",",
      "placement": "before",
      "isdefault": "1",
      "currencyid": "1",
      "currency_name": "USD",
      "total_left_to_pay": "5.00",
      "items": [
          "id": "2",
          "rel_id": "2",
          "rel_type": "invoice",
          "description": "12MP Dual Camera with cover",
          "long_description": "The JBL Cinema SB110 is a hassle-free soundbar",
          "qty": "1.00",
          "rate": "5.00",
          "unit": "",
          "item_order": "1"
      "attachments": [],
      "visible_attachments_to_customer_found": false,
      "client": {
      "userid": "1",
      "company": "trueline",
      "vat": "",
      "phonenumber": "",
      "country": "0",
      "city": "",
      "zip": "",
      "state": "",
      "address": "",
      "website": "",
      "datecreated": "2020-05-19 20:07:49",
      "active": "1",
      "leadid": null,
      "billing_street": "",
      "billing_city": "",
      "billing_state": "",
      "billing_zip": "",
      "billing_country": "0",
      "shipping_street": "",
      "shipping_city": "",
      "shipping_state": "",
      "shipping_zip": "",
      "shipping_country": "0",
      "longitude": null,
      "latitude": null,
      "default_language": "english",
      "default_currency": "0",
      "show_primary_contact": "0",
      "stripe_id": null,
      "registration_confirmed": "1",
      "addedfrom": "1"
  "payments": [],
  "scheduled_email": null
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Invoices - Search invoice information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/invoices/search/:keysearch


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
keysearch String

Search Keywords.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Invoice Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      "id": "19",
      "sent": "0",
      "datesend": null,
      "clientid": "3",
      "deleted_customer_name": null,
      "number": "19",
      "prefix": "INV-",
      "number_format": "1",
      "datecreated": "2020-08-18 21:19:51",
      "date": "2020-07-04",
      "duedate": "2020-08-03",
      "currency": "1",
      "subtotal": "20.00",
      "total_tax": "1.80",
      "total": "21.80",
      "adjustment": "0.00",
      "addedfrom": "1",
      "hash": "809c0e4c9efba2a3bedfdb5871dc6240",
      "status": "2",
      "clientnote": "",
      "adminnote": "",
      "last_overdue_reminder": null,
      "cancel_overdue_reminders": "0",
      "allowed_payment_modes": "['1']",
      "token": null,
      "discount_percent": "0.00",
      "discount_total": "0.00",
      "discount_type": "",
      "recurring": "0",
      "recurring_type": null,
      "custom_recurring": "0",
      "cycles": "0",
      "total_cycles": "0",
      "is_recurring_from": null,
      "last_recurring_date": null,
      "terms": "",
      "sale_agent": "0",
      "billing_street": "",
      "billing_city": "",
      "billing_state": "",
      "billing_zip": "",
      "billing_country": "0",
      "shipping_street": "",
      "shipping_city": "",
      "shipping_state": "",
      "shipping_zip": "",
      "shipping_country": "0",
      "include_shipping": "0",
      "show_shipping_on_invoice": "1",
      "show_quantity_as": "1",
      "project_id": "0",
      "subscription_id": "0",
      "userid": "3",
      "company": "xyz",
      "vat": "",
      "phonenumber": "",
      "country": "0",
      "city": "",
      "zip": "",
      "state": "",
      "address": "",
      "website": "",
      "active": "1",
      "leadid": null,
      "longitude": null,
      "latitude": null,
      "default_language": "",
      "default_currency": "0",
      "show_primary_contact": "0",
      "stripe_id": null,
      "registration_confirmed": "1",
      "invoiceid": "19"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No Data Were Found"

Invoices - Update invoice

PUT dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/invoices/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
clientid Number

Mandatory Customer id.

number Number

Mandatory. Invoice Number

date Date

Mandatory. Invoice Date

currency Number

Mandatory. currency field

newitems Array

Mandatory. New Items to be added

subtotal Decimal

Mandatory. calculation based on item Qty, Rate and Tax

total Decimal

Mandatory. calculation based on subtotal, Discount and Adjustment

billing_street String

Mandatory. Street Address

allowed_payment_modes Array

Mandatory. Payment modes

billing_city (optional) String

Optional. City Name for billing

billing_state (optional) String

Optional. Name of state for billing

billing_zip (optional) Number

Optional. Zip code

billing_country (optional) Number

Optional. Country code

include_shipping (optional) boolean

Optional. set yes if you want add Shipping Address

Valor por defecto: no

show_shipping_on_invoice (optional) boolean

Optional. Shows shipping details in invoice.

shipping_street (optional) String

Optional. Address of shipping

shipping_city (optional) String

Optional. City name for shipping

shipping_state (optional) String

Optional. Name of state for shipping

shipping_zip (optional) Number

Optional. Zip code for shipping

shipping_country (optional) Number

Optional. Country code

duedate (optional) Date

Optional. Due date for Invoice

cancel_overdue_reminders (optional) boolean

Optional. Prevent sending overdue remainders for invoice

tags (optional) String

Optional. TAGS comma separated

sale_agent (optional) Number

Optional. Sale Agent name

recurring (optional) String

Optional. recurring 1 to 12 or custom

discount_type (optional) String

Optional. before_tax / after_tax discount type

repeat_every_custom (optional) Number

Optional. if recurring is custom set number gap

repeat_type_custom (optional) String

Optional. if recurring is custom set gap option day/week/month/year

cycles (optional) Number

Optional. number of cycles 0 for infinite

adminnote (optional) String

Optional. notes by admin

items (optional) Array

Optional. Existing items with Id

removed_items (optional) Array

Optional. Items to be removed

clientnote (optional) String

Optional. client notes

terms (optional) String

Optional. Terms

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
number String

The Invoice number is already in use

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": false,
  "message": "Invoice Updated Successfully"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Invoice Update Fail"
    HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
      "status": false,
      "error": {
			"number":"The Invoice number is already in use"
		"message": "The Invoice number is already in use"


Leads - Add New Lead

POST dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/leads


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
source String

Mandatory Lead source.

status String

Mandatory Lead Status.

name String

Mandatory Lead Name.

assigned (optional) String

Optional Lead assigned.

client_id (optional) String

Optional Lead From Customer.

tags (optional) String

Optional Lead tags.

contact (optional) String

Optional Lead contact.

title (optional) String

Optional Position.

email (optional) String

Optional Lead Email Address.

website (optional) String

Optional Lead Website.

phonenumber (optional) String

Optional Lead Phone.

company (optional) String

Optional Lead company.

address (optional) String

Optional Lead address.

city (optional) String

Optional Lead City.

state (optional) String

Optional Lead state.

country (optional) String

Optional Lead Country.

default_language (optional) String

Optional Lead Default Language.

description (optional) String

Optional Lead description.

custom_contact_date (optional) String

Optional Lead From Customer.

contacted_today (optional) String

Optional Lead Contacted Today.

is_public (optional) String

Optional Lead google sheet id.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Lead add successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

add fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Lead add successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Lead add fail."

Leads - Delete a Lead

DELETE dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/delete/leads/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

lead unique ID.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Lead Delete Successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Lead Delete Fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Lead Delete Successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Lead Delete Fail."

Leads - Request Lead information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/leads/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

Lead unique ID.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Lead Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "id": "17",
    "hash": "c6e938f8b7a40b1bcfd98dc04f6eeee0-60d9c039da373a685fc0f74d4bfae631",
    "name": "Lead name",
    "contact": "",
    "title": "",
    "company": "Wonline Network",
    "description": "",
    "country": "243",
    "zip": null,
    "city": "London",
    "state": "London",
    "address": "1a The Alexander Suite Silk Point",
    "assigned": "5",
    "dateadded": "2019-07-18 08:59:28",
    "from_form_id": "0",
    "status": "0",
    "source": "4",
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Leads - Request all Leads

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/leads/


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Lead Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "id": "17",
    "hash": "c6e938f8b7a40b1bcfd98dc04f6eeee0-60d9c039da373a685fc0f74d4bfae631",
    "name": "Lead name",
    "contact": "",
    "title": "",
    "company": "Wonline Network",
    "description": "",
    "country": "243",
    "zip": null,
    "city": "London",
    "state": "London",
    "address": "1a The Alexander Suite Silk Point",
    "assigned": "5",
    "dateadded": "2019-07-18 08:59:28",
    "from_form_id": "0",
    "status": "0",
    "source": "4",
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Leads - Search Lead Information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/leads/search/:keysearch


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
keysearch String

Search Keywords.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Lead Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "id": "17",
    "hash": "c6e938f8b7a40b1bcfd98dc04f6eeee0-60d9c039da373a685fc0f74d4bfae631",
    "name": "Lead name",
    "contact": "",
    "title": "",
    "company": "Wonline Network",
    "description": "",
    "country": "243",
    "zip": null,
    "city": "London",
    "state": "London",
    "address": "1a The Alexander Suite Silk Point",
    "assigned": "5",
    "dateadded": "2019-07-18 08:59:28",
    "from_form_id": "0",
    "status": "0",
    "source": "4",
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Leads - Update a lead

PUT dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/leads/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
source String

Mandatory Lead source.

status String

Mandatory Lead Status.

name String

Mandatory Lead Name.

assigned (optional) String

Optional Lead assigned.

client_id (optional) String

Optional Lead From Customer.

tags (optional) String

Optional Lead tags.

contact (optional) String

Optional Lead contact.

title (optional) String

Optional Position.

email (optional) String

Optional Lead Email Address.

website (optional) String

Optional Lead Website.

phonenumber (optional) String

Optional Lead Phone.

company (optional) String

Optional Lead company.

address (optional) String

Optional Lead address.

city (optional) String

Optional Lead City.

state (optional) String

Optional Lead state.

country (optional) String

Optional Lead Country.

default_language (optional) String

Optional Lead Default Language.

description (optional) String

Optional Lead description.

lastcontact (optional) String

Optional Lead Last Contact.

is_public (optional) String

Optional Lead google sheet id.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Lead Update Successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Lead Update Fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Lead Update Successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Lead Update Fail."


Milestones - Add New Milestone

POST dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/milestones


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
project_id String

Mandatory project id.

name String

Mandatory Milestone Name.

due_date Date

Mandatory Milestone Due date.

description (optional) String

Optional Milestone Description.

description_visible_to_customer (optional) String

Show description to customer.

milestone_order (optional) String

Optional Milestone Order.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Milestone add successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Milestone add fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Milestone add successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Milestone add fail."

Milestones - Delete a Milestone

DELETE dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/delete/milestones/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

Milestone unique ID.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Milestone Delete Successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Milestone Delete Fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Milestone Delete Successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Milestone Delete Fail."

Milestones - Request Milestones information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/milestones/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

Milestones unique ID.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Milestones Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "id": "5",
    "name": "MIlestone A",
    "description": "",
    "description_visible_to_customer": "0",
    "due_date": "2019-09-30",
    "project_id": "2",
    "color": null,
    "milestone_order": "1",
    "datecreated": "2019-07-19",
    "total_tasks": "0",
    "total_finished_tasks": "0"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Milestones - Search Milestones Information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/milestones/search/:keysearch


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
keysearch String

Search Keywords.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Milestones Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      "id": "5",
      "name": "MIlestone A",
      "description": "",
      "description_visible_to_customer": "0",
      "due_date": "2019-09-30",
      "project_id": "2",
      "color": null,
      "milestone_order": "1",
      "datecreated": "2019-07-19",
      "total_tasks": "0",
      "total_finished_tasks": "0"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Milestones - Update a Milestone

PUT dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/milestones/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
project_id String

Mandatory project id.

name String

Mandatory Milestone Name.

due_date Date

Mandatory Milestone Due date.

description (optional) String

Optional Milestone Description.

description_visible_to_customer (optional) String

Show description to customer.

milestone_order (optional) String

Optional Milestone Order.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Milestone Update Successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Milestone Update Fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Milestone Update Successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Milestone Update Fail."

Payment Modes

Payment_Modes - Request Payment Modes

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/common/payment_mode


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Payment Array


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        "id": "1",
        "name": "Bank",
        "description": null,
        "show_on_pdf": "0",
        "invoices_only": "0",
        "expenses_only": "0",
        "selected_by_default": "1",
        "active": "1"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"


Payments - List all Payments

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/payments/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
payment_id Number

Optional payment unique ID
Note : if you don't pass Payment id then it will list all payments records

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Payments Array

List all Payment Records.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        "id": "3",
        "invoiceid": "7",
        "amount": "1000.00",
        "paymentmode": "3",
        "paymentmethod": "",
        "date": "2020-06-08",
        "daterecorded": "2020-06-08 20:29:54",
        "note": "",
        "transactionid": "000355795931",
        "name": "UPI",
        "description": "",
        "show_on_pdf": "0",
        "invoices_only": "0",
        "expenses_only": "0",
        "selected_by_default": "0",
        "active": "1",
        "paymentid": "1"
        "id": "4",
        "invoiceid": "12",
        "amount": "-3.00",
        "paymentmode": "4",
        "paymentmethod": "",
        "date": "2020-07-04",
        "daterecorded": "2020-07-04 15:32:59",
        "note": "",
        "transactionid": "P228210122733439",
        "name": "Stripe",
        "description": "",
        "show_on_pdf": "0",
        "invoices_only": "0",
        "expenses_only": "0",
        "selected_by_default": "0",
        "active": "1",
        "paymentid": "2"
        "id": "1",
        "invoiceid": "14",
        "amount": "8.00",
        "paymentmode": "1",
        "paymentmethod": "",
        "date": "2020-07-04",
        "daterecorded": "2020-07-04 15:47:30",
        "note": "",
        "transactionid": "000360166374",
        "name": "Bank",
        "description": null,
        "show_on_pdf": "0",
        "invoices_only": "0",
        "expenses_only": "0",
        "selected_by_default": "1",
        "active": "1",
        "paymentid": "3"
        "id": "2",
        "invoiceid": "13",
        "amount": "3.00",
        "paymentmode": "2",
        "paymentmethod": "Credit card",
        "date": "2020-07-04",
        "daterecorded": "2020-07-04 15:49:56",
        "note": "",
        "transactionid": "0124875873",
        "name": "paypal",
        "description": "",
        "show_on_pdf": "0",
        "invoices_only": "0",
        "expenses_only": "0",
        "selected_by_default": "0",
        "active": "1",
        "paymentid": "4"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Payments - Search Payments Information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/payments/search/:keysearch


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token


Campo Tipo Descripción
keysearch String

Search Keywords

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Payments Array

Payments information

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status

message String

No data were found

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        "id": "3",
        "invoiceid": "14",
        "amount": "8.00",
        "paymentmode": "2",
        "paymentmethod": "",
        "date": "2020-07-04",
        "daterecorded": "2020-07-04 15:47:30",
        "note": "",
        "transactionid": "",
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"


Projects - Add New Project

POST dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/projects


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
name String

Mandatory Project Name.

rel_type string

Mandatory Project Related.

Valores permitidos: "lead", "customer", "internal"

clientid Number

Mandatory Related ID.

billing_type Number

Mandatory Billing Type.

start_date Date

Mandatory Project Start Date.

status Number

Mandatory Project Status.

progress_from_tasks (optional) String

Optional on or off progress from tasks.

project_cost (optional) String

Optional Project Cost.

progress (optional) String

Optional project progress.

project_rate_per_hour (optional) String

Optional project rate per hour.

estimated_hours (optional) String

Optional Project estimated hours.

project_members (optional) Number[]

Optional Project members.

deadline (optional) Date

Optional Project deadline.

tags (optional) String

Optional Project tags.

description (optional) String

Optional Project description.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Project add successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Project add fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Project add successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Project add fail."

Projects - Delete a Project

DELETE dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/delete/projects/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

project unique ID.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Project Delete successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Project Delete Fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Project Delete Successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Project Delete Fail."

Projects - Request project information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/projects/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

project unique ID.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Project Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     "id": "28",
     "name": "Test1",
     "description": null,
     "status": "1",
     "clientid": "11",
     "billing_type": "3",
     "start_date": "2019-04-19",
     "deadline": "2019-08-30",
     "project_created": "2019-07-16",
     "date_finished": null,
     "progress": "0",
     "progress_from_tasks": "1",
     "project_cost": "0.00",
     "project_rate_per_hour": "0.00",
     "estimated_hours": "0.00",
     "addedfrom": "5",
     "rel_type": "lead",
     "potential_revenue": "0.00",
     "potential_margin": "0.00",
     "external": "E",
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Projects - Search Project Information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/projects/search/:keysearch


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
keysearch String

Search keywords.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Project Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     "id": "28",
     "name": "Test1",
     "description": null,
     "status": "1",
     "clientid": "11",
     "billing_type": "3",
     "start_date": "2019-04-19",
     "deadline": "2019-08-30",
     "project_created": "2019-07-16",
     "date_finished": null,
     "progress": "0",
     "progress_from_tasks": "1",
     "project_cost": "0.00",
     "project_rate_per_hour": "0.00",
     "estimated_hours": "0.00",
     "addedfrom": "5",
     "rel_type": "lead",
     "potential_revenue": "0.00",
     "potential_margin": "0.00",
     "external": "E",
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Projects - Update a project

PUT dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/projects/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
name String

Mandatory Project Name.

rel_type string

Mandatory Project Related.

Valores permitidos: "lead", "customer", "internal"

clientid Number

Mandatory Related ID.

billing_type Number

Mandatory Billing Type.

start_date Date

Mandatory Project Start Date.

status Number

Mandatory Project Status.

progress_from_tasks (optional) String

Optional on or off progress from tasks.

project_cost (optional) String

Optional Project Cost.

progress (optional) String

Optional project progress.

project_rate_per_hour (optional) String

Optional project rate per hour.

estimated_hours (optional) String

Optional Project estimated hours.

project_members (optional) Number[]

Optional Project members.

deadline (optional) Date

Optional Project deadline.

tags (optional) String

Optional Project tags.

description (optional) String

Optional Project description.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Project Update Successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Project Update Fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Project Update Successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Project Update Fail."


Proposals - Add New Proposals

POST dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/proposals


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
subject String

Mandatory. Proposal Subject Name.

Related string

Mandatory. Proposal Related.

Valores permitidos: "lead", "customer"

rel_id Number

Mandatory. Related ID.

proposal_to string

Mandatory. Lead / Customer name.

date Date

Mandatory. Proposal Start Date.

open_till Date

Optional. Proposal Open Till Date.

currency string

Mandatory. currency id.

discount_type string

Optional. Proposal Open Till Date.

status string

Optional. status id.

Assigned string

Optional. Assignee id.

Email string

Mandatory. Email id.

newitems Array

Mandatory. New Items to be added.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Proposal add successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Proposal add fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Proposal add successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Proposal add fail."

Proposals - Delete Proposal

DELETE dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/proposals/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

Proposal unique ID.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Proposals Deleted Successfully

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Proposals Delete Fail

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Proposals Deleted Successfully"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Proposal Delete Fail"

Proposals - Request Proposal information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/proposals


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

Proposal unique ID

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Proposal Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
	    "id": "1",
	    "subject": "Test Proposal",
	    "content": "{proposal_items}",
	    "addedfrom": "1",
	    "datecreated": "2021-08-01 13:38:08",
	    "total": "10.00",
	    "subtotal": "10.00",
	    "total_tax": "0.00",
	    "adjustment": "0.00",
	    "discount_percent": "0.00",
	    "discount_total": "0.00",
	    "discount_type": "",
	    "show_quantity_as": "1",
	    "currency": "1",
	    "open_till": "2021-08-08",
	    "date": "2021-08-01",
	    "rel_id": "1",
	    "rel_type": "customer",
	    "assigned": "0",
	    "hash": "9fc38e5ad2f8256b1b8430ee41069f75",
	    "proposal_to": "test",
	    "country": "102",
	    "zip": "30000202",
	    "state": "Test",
	    "city": "Test",
	    "address": "Test",
	    "email": "[email protected]",
	    "phone": "01324568903",
	    "allow_comments": "1",
	    "status": "6",
	    "estimate_id": null,
	    "invoice_id": null,
	    "date_converted": null,
	    "pipeline_order": "0",
	    "is_expiry_notified": "0",
	    "acceptance_firstname": null,
	    "acceptance_lastname": null,
	    "acceptance_email": null,
	    "acceptance_date": null,
	    "acceptance_ip": null,
	    "signature": null,
	    "short_link": null,
	    "symbol": "$",
	    "name": "USD",
	    "decimal_separator": ".",
	    "thousand_separator": ",",
	    "placement": "before",
	    "isdefault": "1",
	    "currencyid": "1",
	    "currency_name": "USD",
	    "attachments": [],
	    "items": [
	            "id": "4",
	            "rel_id": "1",
	            "rel_type": "proposal",
	            "description": "item 1",
	            "long_description": "item 1 description",
	            "qty": "1.00",
	            "rate": "10.00",
	            "unit": "1",
	            "item_order": "1"
	    "visible_attachments_to_customer_found": false,
	    "customfields": [
	            "label": "Custom Field",
	            "value": "Custom Field value"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Proposals - Search proposals information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/proposals/search/:keysearch


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
keysearch String

Search Keywords.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Proposals Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 "id": "2",
 "subject": "Test 2",
 "content": "{proposal_items}",
 "addedfrom": "1",
"datecreated": "2021-08-01 13:43:49",
 "total": "10.00",
 "subtotal": "10.00",
 "total_tax": "0.00",
 "adjustment": "0.00",
 "discount_percent": "0.00",
 "discount_total": "0.00",
 "discount_type": "",
 "show_quantity_as": "1",
 "currency": "1",
 "open_till": "2021-08-08",
 "date": "2021-08-01",
 "rel_id": "1",
 "rel_type": "customer",
 "assigned": "0",
 "hash": "6fe6cd0bc66dff03663154660acc1a93",
 "proposal_to": "test",
 "country": "102",
 "zip": "300000",
 "state": "test",
 "city": "test",
 "address": "test",
 "email": "[email protected]",
 "phone": "01324568903",
 "allow_comments": "1",
 "status": "6",
 "estimate_id": null,
 "invoice_id": null,
 "date_converted": null,
 "pipeline_order": "0",
 "is_expiry_notified": "0",
 "acceptance_firstname": null,
 "acceptance_lastname": null,
 "acceptance_email": null,
 "acceptance_date": null,
 "acceptance_ip": null,
 "signature": null,
 "short_link": null,
 "symbol": "$",
 "name": "USD",
 "decimal_separator": ".",
 "thousand_separator": ",",
 "placement": "before",
 "isdefault": "1",
 "customfields": [
         "label": "Custom Field",
	        "value": "Custom Field value"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No Data Were Found"

Proposals - Update a proposal

PUT dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/proposal/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
subject String

Mandatory. Proposal Subject Name.


Proposal Related.

Valores permitidos: "lead", "customer"

rel_id Number

Mandatory. Related ID.

proposal_to string

Mandatory. Lead / Customer name.

date Date

Mandatory. Proposal Start Date.

open_till Date

Optional. Proposal Open Till Date.

currency string

Mandatory. currency id.

discount_type string

Optional. Proposal Open Till Date.

status string

Optional. status id.

Assigned string

Optional. Assignee id.

Email string

Mandatory. Email id.

newitems Array

Mandatory. New Items to be added.

items Array

Optional. Existing items with Id

removed_items Array

Optional. Items to be removed

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": false,
  "message": "Proposal Updated Successfully"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Proposal Update Fail"


Staffs - Add New Staff

POST dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/staffs


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
firstname String

Mandatory Staff Name.

email String

Mandatory Staff Related.

password String

Mandatory Staff password.

hourly_rate (optional) Number

Optional hourly rate.

phonenumber (optional) String

Optional Staff phonenumber.

facebook (optional) String

Optional Staff facebook.

linkedin (optional) String

Optional Staff linkedin.

skype (optional) String

Optional Staff skype.

default_language (optional) String

Optional Staff default language.

email_signature (optional) String

Optional Staff email signature.

direction (optional) String

Optional Staff direction.

send_welcome_email (optional) String

Optional Staff send welcome email.

departments (optional) Number[]

Optional Staff departments.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Staff add successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Staff add fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Staff add successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Staff add fail."

Staffs - Delete a Staff

DELETE dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/delete/staffs/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

Staff unique ID.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Staff registration successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Not register your accout.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Staff Delete."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Staff Not Delete."

Staffs - Request Staff information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/staffs/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

Staff unique ID.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Staff Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Descripción

The id of the Staff was not found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     "staffid": "8",
     "email": "[email protected]",
     "firstname": "Đào Quang Dân",
     "lastname": "",
     "facebook": "",
     "linkedin": "",
     "phonenumber": "",
     "skype": "",
     "password": "$2a$08$ySLokLAM.AqmW9ZjY2YREO0CIrd5K4Td\/Bpfp8d9QJamWNUfreQuK",
     "datecreated": "2019-02-25 09:11:31",
     "profile_image": "8.png",
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Staffs - Search Staff Information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/staffs/search/:keysearch


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
keysearch String

Search keywords.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Staff Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Descripción

The id of the Staff was not found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     "staffid": "8",
     "email": "[email protected]",
     "firstname": "Đào Quang Dân",
     "lastname": "",
     "facebook": "",
     "linkedin": "",
     "phonenumber": "",
     "skype": "",
     "password": "$2a$08$ySLokLAM.AqmW9ZjY2YREO0CIrd5K4Td\/Bpfp8d9QJamWNUfreQuK",
     "datecreated": "2019-02-25 09:11:31",
     "profile_image": "8.png",
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Staffs - Update a Staff

PUT dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/staffs/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
firstname String

Mandatory Staff Name.

email String

Mandatory Staff Related.

password String

Mandatory Staff password.

hourly_rate (optional) Number

Optional hourly rate.

phonenumber (optional) String

Optional Staff phonenumber.

facebook (optional) String

Optional Staff facebook.

linkedin (optional) String

Optional Staff linkedin.

skype (optional) String

Optional Staff skype.

default_language (optional) String

Optional Staff default language.

email_signature (optional) String

Optional Staff email signature.

direction (optional) String

Optional Staff direction.

departments (optional) Number[]

Optional Staff departments.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Staff Update Successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Staff Update Fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Staff Update Successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Staff Update Fail."


Tasks - Add New Task

POST dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/tasks


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
name String

Mandatory Task Name.

startdate Date

Mandatory Task Start Date.

is_public (optional) String

Optional Task public.

billable (optional) String

Optional Task billable.

hourly_rate (optional) String

Optional Task hourly rate.

milestone (optional) String

Optional Task milestone.

duedate (optional) Date

Optional Task deadline.

priority (optional) String

Optional Task priority.

repeat_every (optional) String

Optional Task repeat every.

repeat_every_custom (optional) Number

Optional Task repeat every custom.

repeat_type_custom (optional) String

Optional Task repeat type custom.

cycles (optional) Number

Optional cycles.

rel_type string

Mandatory Task Related.

Valores permitidos: "lead", "customer", "invoice", "project", "quotation", "contract", "annex", "ticket", "expense", "proposal"

rel_id Number

Optional Related ID.

tags (optional) String

Optional Task tags.

description (optional) String

Optional Task description.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Task add successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Task add fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Task add successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Task add fail."

Tasks - Delete a Task

DELETE dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/delete/tasks/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

Task unique ID.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Task Delete Successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Task Delete Fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Task Delete Successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Task Delete Fail."

Tasks - Request Task information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/tasks/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

Task unique ID.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Tasks Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "id": "10",
    "name": "Khảo sát chi tiết hiện trạng",
    "description": "",
    "priority": "2",
    "dateadded": "2019-02-25 12:26:37",
    "startdate": "2019-01-02 00:00:00",
    "duedate": "2019-01-04 00:00:00",
    "datefinished": null,
    "addedfrom": "9",
    "is_added_from_contact": "0",
    "status": "4",
    "recurring_type": null,
    "repeat_every": "0",
    "recurring": "0",
    "is_recurring_from": null,
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Tasks - Search Tasks Information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/tasks/search/:keysearch


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
keysearch String

Search Keywords.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Tasks Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "id": "10",
    "name": "Khảo sát chi tiết hiện trạng",
    "description": "",
    "priority": "2",
    "dateadded": "2019-02-25 12:26:37",
    "startdate": "2019-01-02 00:00:00",
    "duedate": "2019-01-04 00:00:00",
    "datefinished": null,
    "addedfrom": "9",
    "is_added_from_contact": "0",
    "status": "4",
    "recurring_type": null,
    "repeat_every": "0",
    "recurring": "0",
    "is_recurring_from": null,
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Tasks - Update a task

PUT dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/tasks/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
name String

Mandatory Task Name.

startdate Date

Mandatory Task Start Date.

is_public (optional) String

Optional Task public.

billable (optional) String

Optional Task billable.

hourly_rate (optional) String

Optional Task hourly rate.

milestone (optional) String

Optional Task milestone.

duedate (optional) Date

Optional Task deadline.

priority (optional) String

Optional Task priority.

repeat_every (optional) String

Optional Task repeat every.

repeat_every_custom (optional) Number

Optional Task repeat every custom.

repeat_type_custom (optional) String

Optional Task repeat type custom.

cycles (optional) Number

Optional cycles.

rel_type string

Mandatory Task Related.

Valores permitidos: "lead", "customer", "invoice", "project", "quotation", "contract", "annex", "ticket", "expense", "proposal"

rel_id Number

Optional Related ID.

tags (optional) String

Optional Task tags.

description (optional) String

Optional Task description.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Task Update Successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status String

Request status.

message String

Task Update Fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Task Update Successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Task Update Fail."


Taxes - Request Taxes

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/common/tax_data


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Tax Array


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

No data were found.

 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        "id": "4",
        "name": "PAYPAL",
        "taxrate": "5.00"
        "id": "1",
        "name": "CGST",
        "taxrate": "9.00"
        "id": "2",
        "name": "SGST",
        "taxrate": "9.00"
        "id": "3",
        "name": "GST",
        "taxrate": "18.00"
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"


Tickets - Add New Ticket

POST dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/tickets


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
subject String

Mandatory Ticket name .

department String

Mandatory Ticket Department.

contactid String

Mandatory Ticket Contact.

userid String

Mandatory Ticket user.

project_id (optional) String

Optional Ticket Project.

message (optional) String

Optional Ticket message.

service (optional) String

Optional Ticket Service.

assigned (optional) String

Optional Assign ticket.

cc (optional) String

Optional Ticket CC.

priority (optional) String

Optional Priority.

tags (optional) String

Optional ticket tags.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Ticket add successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Ticket add fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Ticket add successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Ticket add fail."

Tickets - Delete a Ticket

DELETE dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/delete/tickets/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

Ticket unique ID.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Ticket Delete Successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Ticket Delete Fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Ticket Delete Successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Ticket Delete Fail."

Tickets - Request Ticket information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/tickets/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
id Number

Ticket unique ID.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Ticket Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

The id of the Ticket was not found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "ticketid": "7",
    "adminreplying": "0",
    "userid": "0",
    "contactid": "0",
    "email": null,
    "name": "Trung bình",
    "department": "1",
    "priority": "2",
    "status": "1",
    "service": "1",
    "ticketkey": "8ef33d61bb0f26cd158d56cc18b71c02",
    "subject": "Ticket ER",
    "message": "Ticket ER",
    "admin": "5",
    "date": "2019-04-10 03:08:21",
    "project_id": "5",
    "lastreply": null,
    "clientread": "0",
    "adminread": "1",
    "assigned": "5",
    "line_manager": "8",
    "milestone": "27",
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Tickets - Search Ticket Information

GET dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/tickets/search/:keysearch


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
keysearch String

Search keywords.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
Ticket Object


Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

The id of the Ticket was not found.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "ticketid": "7",
    "adminreplying": "0",
    "userid": "0",
    "contactid": "0",
    "email": null,
    "name": "Trung bình",
    "department": "1",
    "priority": "2",
    "status": "1",
    "service": "1",
    "ticketkey": "8ef33d61bb0f26cd158d56cc18b71c02",
    "subject": "Ticket ER",
    "message": "Ticket ER",
    "admin": "5",
    "date": "2019-04-10 03:08:21",
    "project_id": "5",
    "lastreply": null,
    "clientread": "0",
    "adminread": "1",
    "assigned": "5",
    "line_manager": "8",
    "milestone": "27",
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "No data were found"

Tickets - Update a ticket

PUT dash.wonlinenetwork.llc/tucuenta/ps/api/tickets/:id


Campo Tipo Descripción
Authorization String

Basic Access Authentication token.


Campo Tipo Descripción
subject String

Mandatory Ticket name .

department String

Mandatory Ticket Department.

contactid String

Mandatory Ticket Contact.

userid String

Mandatory Ticket user.

priority String

Mandatory Priority.

project_id (optional) String

Optional Ticket Project.

message (optional) String

Optional Ticket message.

service (optional) String

Optional Ticket Service.

assigned (optional) String

Optional Assign ticket.

tags (optional) String

Optional ticket tags.

Success 200

Campo Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Ticket Update Successful.

Error 4xx

Nombre Tipo Descripción
status Boolean

Request status.

message String

Ticket Update Fail.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": true,
  "message": "Ticket Update Successful."
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  "status": false,
  "message": "Ticket Update Fail."